Masterclass Gabrielle Taron-Rieussec

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📣 Pozývame vás na masterclass našej rezidentky Gabrielle Taron-Rieussec na tému:

Casting: participatory process as social and aesthetic experiments


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🗣️ How to invite strangers to participate an art project ? What are the boundaries of participation ? What specific images do this kind of process produce ? Along the presentation of an ongoing experimental video shooting led in Kosice during the month of November, we will explore those questions in theory and in practice, using also examples of artworks from the 90’s to nowadays.

Gabrielle Taron-Rieussec is a visual artist and a performer based in Paris (France). She first learned photography and video, with a strong interest for portrait genre and relationnal aesthetics before she discovered performative arts. She travels a lot in France and Europe, wherever she can experiment around video, installation and performance and build collaborative project with a large range of publics. Lately, she collaborated with another artist to collect love stories and spread along different regions of France.

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